$39.99 $59.99 You Save 33% ($20.00)
1- Callus Remover Gel ( 8oz )
1- Pumice stone
1- 40% Urea Cream
Now that you have purchased our Callus Remover kit, here is how to use it.
1 - Soak feet in warm water until prune - like then pre - scrub with the pumice stone ( Optional but recommended ).
2 - Towel dry 1 foot, apply callus remover to hard and dry callused areas ( avoid soft skin ) and let sit for 5 -10 minutes.
3 - You can scrub with pumice while callus remover is on.
( optional but recommended. )
4 - Rinse foot and use pumice stone to remove extra residue of callus remover and dead skin
5 - Dry foot then apply 40% Urea Hand and Foot cream
Repeat process above on the other foot.
Note: Some people calluses may be worse than others, so repeat callus remover process as necessary.
Collections: All Products, Pedicure Care